NIS mission

NIS has the mission to meet the information needs of all categories of users of statistical data and information by collecting, producing and disseminating data in accordance with the Law on the Organization and Functioning of Official Statistics in Romania. (EC) No 226/2009, Regulation (EC) No. No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on European Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice necessary for substantiating decisions on economic and social development of the country and for the knowledge and information of public opinion on the realities of Romanian society.

NIS vision

NIS, as the main producer of official statistical data, responsible for the coordination of all activities at national level regarding the development, development and dissemination of European statistics, is oriented towards achieving in a near future some functional methodological and technical performances recognized on domestic and international plan, at a level comparable to the performances of the most advanced national statistical institutes in the EU Member States.

NIS Principles:

  • User orientation;
  • Commitment of the NIS leadership;
  • Efficiency in relation to statistical processes;
  • Continuous improvement of official statistics activity;
  • Commitment on the quality of statistical products;
  • Accessibility of statistical data and information;
  • Cooperation in the field of official statistics;
  • Respecting the needs of data providers;
  • Systematic implementation of quality management in statistics;
  • Meeting the collective and individual requirements of the INS staff.

Analiza posibilității extinderii sferei de cuprindere a cercetării statistice selective privind utilizarea timpului


Timpul este ireversibil, fiecare zi oferindu-ne în mod egal șansa de a petrece 24 de ore, iar modul în care folosim acest timp are implicaţii importante asupra bunăstării personale și sociale. Modul în care oamenii își petrec timpul, atât activitățile de rutină realizate în viața de zi cu zi, cât și activitățile desfășurate pentru petrecerea timpului liber, cele legate de hobby-uri, activitățile sportive sau artistice reprezintă factori importanți în elaborarea politicilor publice, în special în domeniul protecției sociale, îngrijirii copiilor, pieței muncii, educației sau sănătății. Statisticile referitoare la utilizarea timpului reprezintă imagini cantitative ale activităților pe care persoanele le realizează zilnic.