+ Goal 1 - NO POVERTY
⏵ TARGET 1 - Eradicate extreme poverty for all citizens
TAB0112 - At-risk-of-poverty rate, at threshold of 40% of median equivalised income
TAD0114 - Inequality of income distribution
TAE0115 - Unemployment benefits - monthly average
⏵ TARGET 2 -Reduce by at least by half the number of citizens living in relative poverty
TAJ0123 - At-risk-of-poverty rate (AROP), by sex, age groups, development regions and macroregions
TAK0124 - Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age
TAL0125 - In work at risk of poverty rate
⏵ TARGET 3 - Consolidate the unified national system of emergency intervention, rehabilitation, and compensation
services in the event of natural disasters, industrial accidents, or extreme weather eventsTAP0133 - Number of employees of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations
+ Goal 2 - ZERO HUNGER
⏵ TARGET 1 - Eliminate malnutrition and keep the rate of obesity under 10%, i.e. similar to the 2014 level
TAU0211 - Daily average food consumption of calories per inhabitant, by categories
TAV0212 - Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or
TAW0213 - Obesity rate for persons aged 18 years and over by sex and residence area
TAX0214 - Total daily average food consumption of animal protein, per inhabitant
⏵ TARGET 2 - Finalisation of the agricultural cadastre
TAZ0221 - The surface of the lands tabulated by categories of use
⏵ TARGET 3 - Double the share of agriculture in Romania’s GDP relative to 2018
TBD0232 - Surface protected with anti-hail and precipitation increasing systems
TBE0233 - Evolution of agricultural yield
TBF0234 - The share of agriculture in GDP
TBK0242 - Number of projects and expenditure for researchdevelopment by NABS programs in agriculture
⏵ TARGET 4 - Maintain and increase the genetic diversity of seeds, crops and farm, and both domestic animals and related wild species
TBJ0241 - Budget allocation for research-development in agriculture
TBL0243 - Number of new varieties and hybrids created in Romania, by species
⏵ TARGET 5 - Increase the use of local agricultural production
TBO0251 - The value of the agricultural production
TBP0252 - The share of sales outside the industry in total gross agricultural production
TBQ0253 - The value of exports and imports of agri-food products, by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
⏵ TARGET 6- Increase the share of ecological agriculture in total agricultural production
TBT0261 - Share of organic agricultural production in total agricultural production
TBU0262 - Agricultural area used organically cultivated
⏵ TARGET 7 - Preserve and capitalise on occupations and traditional uses of medicinal plants and forest fruit in mountain areas; maintain local traditions by increasing the number of products with special characteristics in terms of rules of
originTBX0271 - The products certified at national (traditional) and european level
TBY0272 - Production of berries, medicinal plants, aromatics, spices
⏵ TARGET 1 - Ensure universal access to information, education, and counselling services in order to encourage prevention and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle
TCF0311 - Number of reception centres for immigrants seeking protection, and data on roomage
⏵ TARGET 2 - Ensure the complete digitalisation of the health system and implicitly the elimination of documents and records printed on paper, in order to increase the efficiency of and facilitate medical interventions, thereby ensuring the population’s rapid access to quality medical services, treatment and medication, and the efficient monitoring of needs
TCI0321 - Average number of inhabitants per family doctor, by residence area and counties
⏵ TARGET 3 - Reduce the prevalence of maternal and infantile mortality and the incidence of breast and cervical cancer, and teenage pregnancies, with the primary focus on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups
TCM0334 - Mortality rate of children under 5 years per 1000 live births
⏵ TARGET 4 - Reduce maternal mortality and neonatal mortality to below the EU average
TCP0341 - Life expectancy at birth
TCQ0342 - Infant mortality rate
TCR0343 - Abortion rate per 1000 women
TCS0344 - Maternal mortality rate per 100000 live births
TCT0345 - Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)
⏵ TARGET 5 - Increase vaccination coverage to the minimum level recommended by the WHO for each vaccine by developing a common platform for collaboration between the authorities, doctors, patients, international organisations with experience in the field, representatives of companies working in the field and other interested parties
⏵ TARGET 6 - Promote awareness of mental illness, reduce the associated stigma and create an environment in which those suffering from mental illness feel accepted and able to ask for help
TDA0361 - The number of people who died due to mental and behavioral disorders
⏵ TARGET 7 - Eliminate the contraction of tuberculosis and combat hepatitis and other transmissible diseases
⏵ TARGET 8 - Reduce by one third the number of premature deaths due to nontransmissible diseases through prevention and treatment and by promoting mental health and well-being
TDE0381 - The structure of persons 16 years old and over by selfperceived health
TDF0382 - Rate of people who died due to mental and behavioral disorders
TDG0383 - Rate of deaths caused by tumors
TDI0385 - Mortality rate due to accidental poisoning by or exposure to harmful substances
⏵ TARGET 9 - Reduce the death rate from chronic diseases
TDL0391 - Mortality rate due to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases
⏵ TARGET 10 - Reduce the level of consumption of toxic substances
TDO3101 - Average alcohol consumption per inhabitant
⏵ Target 1 - Reduce the rate of early school leaving in the educational system
TDT0411 - Rate of early leavers from education and training by young people (18-24 years)
TDW0414 - Government expenditure on education as percentage of GDP
⏵ Target 2 - Achieve an education system based on ability and focused on the needs of the pupils, who should enjoy greater freedom in choosing what they study through measures such as introducing and increasing the amount of optional subjects
⏵ Target 3 - Ensure that all pupils acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights and gender equality, to promote a culture of peace and non-violence, and to appreciate cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development
⏵ Target 4 - Emphasise the role played in the educational process by civic education, by the principles and notions relating to a peaceful and inclusive sustainable society, the values of democracy and pluralism, the values of multiculturalism, the prevention of discrimination and an understanding of the point of view of the “other”, and the importance of eradicating violence with a focus on the phenomenon of violence in schools and gender equality
TEF0441 - Population enrolled in pre-university education, by ethnic groups
⏵ Target 5 - Modernise the education system by adapting the methods of teaching and learning to the use of information technology and increase the quality of education
TEI0451 - IT equipment within the Romanian education system, of which Internet-connected PCs
⏵ Target 6 - Organise vocational and technical education into specially designed and equipped campuses; train qualified teaching staff; create a curriculum tailored to the needs of the labour market by developing partnerships, including with the business community
TEK0461 - Vocational and post-secondary education graduates
⏵ Target 7 - Expand facilities for lifelong continued training and learning, considerably increase participation in formal and non-formal systems of knowledge with a view to bringing Romania’s performance closer to the EU average
TEP0472 - Adult participation in learning, by sex
⏵ Target 8 - Expand the network of communitybased permanent education centres by the local authorities; continue to involve companies in supporting employee enrolment in such programme
TEU0481 - Participants to continuing vocational training courses by gender
⏵ Target 9 - Substantially increase the number of youth and adults with relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, so as to encourage employment, the creation of decent jobs and entrepreneurships
TEY0492 - Adult participation in learning, by sex
TEZ0493 - Employment rates of recent graduates
TFA0494 - Young people neither in employment nor in education and training rate
⏵ Target 10 - Increase the level of financial literacy among citizens
⏵ Target 11 - Expand the concept of sustainable development in formal university education as a principle and a specialisation, and highlight the role of interdisciplinary research in the development of a sustainable society
TFJ4111 - Population aged 30-34 with tertiary education
⏵ Target 2 - Eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls in both the public and private sphere, including trafficking, sexual exploitation, and other forms of exploitation
⏵ Target 3 - Ensure the full and effective participation and equal opportunities of women when it comes to employment in management positions at all levels of political, economic, and public life
TFX0531 - - Employment rate by total and age groups
TFY0532 - Proportion of women in management positions
TFZ0533 - Proportion of seats held by women and men in national parliaments
⏵ TARGET 1 - Substantially increase the efficiency of water use in industrial, commercial, and agricultural activities; expand the rational reuse of treated and recycled water with a view to meeting the requirements of a circular economy
TGD0611 - Volumme of water abstracted by economic sector and source (sourface and groundwater)
TGE0612 - Volumme of water abstracted by economic sector and source (sourface and groundwater)
TGF0613 - Water resources of Romania
⏵ TARGET 2 - Substantially increase the efficiency of water use in all sectors and ensure a sustainable process of abstraction and supply of drinking water in order to address water shortages
TGH0621 - Volumme of water abstracted by economic sector and source (sourface and groundwater)
TGI0622 - The volume of water distributed by the public water supply system by economic activities
TGJ0623 - Water stress level: Share of freshwater abstracted in total water resources
⏵ TARGET 3 - Connect at least 90% of households in towns, communes, and compact villages to the drinking water and sewerage network
TGM0631 - Population connected to public water supply system
⏵ TARGET 4 - Increase access to drinking water among vulnerable and marginalised groups
TGR0641 - Population connected to public water supply system in rural area
⏵ TARGET 5 - Improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating waste disposal, and reducing to a minimum the amount of chemical products and dangerous substances, thereby reducing the proportion of untreated waste water, and significantly increasing recycling and safe reuse
TGW0652 - The percentage of untreated water in total wastewater generated
TGY0654 - Quality of surface water (rivers) on quality states for monitored river lengths
⏵ TARGET 6 - Provide access to adequate and equitable sanitary and hygienic conditions for all with a special focus on those in vulnerable situations
THB0661 - Percentage of population connected to the public water supply system
THD0663 - Water stress level: Share of freshwater abstracted in total water resources
⏵ TARGET 1 - Expand electricity and gas distribution networks with a view to ensuring household consumer, industrial and commercial access to safe sources of energy at acceptable prices
THJ0712 - Total length of gas distribution pipes
⏵ TARGET 2 - Ensure the cyber security of the platforms for the monitoring of production, transport and supply networks for electricity and natural gas
THO0721 - Degree of energy independence
⏵ TARGET 3 - Decouple economic growth from the process of resource depletion and environmental degradation by substantially boosting energy efficiency (by a minimum of 27% compared with the status quo) and the extensive use of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in stable and predictable market conditions
THQ0731 - RMC by type of materials (renewable and non-renewable)
THS0733 - Material resource productivity
THT0734 - DMC by type of materials (renewable and non-renewable)
⏵ TARGET 4 - Increase the share of renewable energy and low-carbon fuel used in the transport sector (electric vehicles), including the use of alternative fuels
THV0741 - Number of electric and hybrid vehicles registered
THW0742 - Share of renewable energy in total energy consumption in transport
THX0743 - Biofuel consumption as a share of total fuel consumption in transport
THY0744 - The value of exports and imports of electric and hybrid vehicles
THZ0745 - Final energy consumption by energy carrier types
⏵ TARGET 5 - Ensure a stable and transparent regulatory framework in the field f energy efficiency with a view to attracting investment
TIB0751 - Number of thermally rehabilitated residential buildings
TIC0752 - Environment Financial support for the Green House Program
⏵ TARGET 6 - Strategically support the share of electricity in total household, industrial and transport consumption by establishing performance standards for facilities and equipment
TIG0761 - Output of electric and more resource-efficient transport equipment
TIH0762 - Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
⏵ TARGET 1 - Maintain a GDP growth rate above the EU average in order to help reduce the gap between Romania and the more advanced European economies, while still respecting the principles of sustainable development and continuously improving the living standards of the population
TIL0811 - Gross national income per capita
TIN0813 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita
⏵ TARGET 2 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship through start-ups, creation and innovation, and which encourage the formalisation and growth of micro, small and mediumsized enterprises, including through access to financial services
TIP0821 - Share of GDP allocated to investments in SMEs
TIQ0822 - GAV (Gross value added) achieved by SMEs as share of GDP
TIS0824 - Employment rate by total and by age groups (population aged 15 to 64 years)
TIU0826 - ILO unemployment rate by total and by sex
TIV0827 - In work at risk of poverty rate
TIX0829 - Employment rate of people with higher education
⏵ TARGET 3 - Achieve high levels of productivity through diversification, technological modernisation, and innovation, including through focusing on sectors with high added value and a more intensive use of the workforce
TIR0823 - The value of exports and imports of goods performed by small and medium companies
TJC0831 - Labour productivity growth rate per person employed
TJD0832 - Average monthly net earnings on research and development activity in enterprises
⏵ TARGET 4 - Create a tourism sector that is competitive in the long time, develop agritourism, ecotourism, and rural, spa and cultural tourism, and improve Romania’s image as a tourist destination
TJH0841 - The share of tourism in GDP
TJJ0841 - Employed population (or employees) in hotels and restaurants
⏵ TARGET 5 - Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions in order to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
TJL0851 - Financial intermediation
TJM0852 - The volume of loaning economic activities by domestic financial institutions
TJN0853 - Number of credit units branches and number of ATMs
⏵ TARGET 1 - Modernise and develop quality, viable, sustainable, and powerful regional and cross-border infrastructure, in order to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on fair and equitable access by all
TJS0911 - Ratio of forest road length to forest stock area
TJT0912 - Number of passengers and goods (tons), by modes of transport
TJU0913 - Share of modernized roads in total road network
⏵ TARGET 3 - Rehabilitate the industrial sector in order to make it sustainable through a more efficient use of resources and increased adoption of clean and ecological industrial technologies and processes, with all countries implementing measures in keeping with their respective capacities
TKA0931 - Output and gross value added in environmental technologies
TKB0932 - Greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity in industry
TKC0933 - The share of raw wood exported in the exploited wood
TKD0934 - The value of imports of goods and foreign direct investment
TKE0935 - Greenhouse gas emission by economic activities
TKF0936 - Expenditure on environmental protection as a percentage of GDP
⏵ TARGET 4 - Stimulate in particular the digital economy and investment in industries which are at the more profitable end of the value chain, which utilise the results of national efforts in the area of research, development and innovation, and which target stable and growing markets
TKI0941 - Total research-development expenditures in public and private sector as percent of GDP
TKJ0942 - Innovative enterprises, as a share in total enterprises
⏵ TARGET 5 - Boost scientific research and modernise the technological capacity of the industrial sectors; encourage innovation and significantly increase the number of employees in research and development and increase public and private spending on research and development
TKM0951 - Researchers in research and development activity per million inhabitants
TKO0953 - Total research-development expenditures in public sector as percent of GDP
⏵ TARGET 6 - Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and increase the rate of employment
TKP0961 - Manufacturing value added as a share of GDP and per capita
TKQ0962 - Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment
⏵ TARGET 7 - Increase the access of small industrial and other companies to financial services, including accessible loans, and integrate them into value chains and external markets
TKT0971 - The value of the trade balance of small and medium enterprises
⏵ TARGET 1 - Adopt policies, especially in the areas of fiscal, salary and social protection policy, that aim gradually to reduce inequality and the percentage of disadvantaged groups
TKY1011 - Adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita
TKZ1012 - Indicele inegalității veniturilor
TLC1015 - Venitul total mediu lunar pe o gospodărie
TLD1016 - Rata riscului de sărăcie sau excluziune socială (AROPE-definiție nouă), pe sexe, grupe de vârstă, regiuni de dezvoltare și macroregiuni
TLE1017 - Rata riscului de sărăcie sau excluziune socială (AROPE), pe sexe, grupe de vârstă, regiuni de dezvoltare și macroregiuni
TLF1018 - Rata sărăciei relative (AROP), pe sexe, grupe de vârstă, regiuni de dezvoltare și macroregiuni
TLH1019 - Rata tinerilor neocupați care nu urmează nicio formă de educație sau de instruire
TLI1017 - Total average monthly household income
⏵ TARGET 2 - Bring Romania closer to the EU average for 2030 in terms of the indicators for sustainable development
TBC0231 - Rata mortalității infantile
TGO0633 - Obesity rate for persons aged 18 years and over in Romania and at EU level
TGV0651 - Rata riscului de sărăcie sau excluziune socială (AROPE-definiție nouă)
TGX0653 - Rata de părăsire timpurie a sistemului educațional de către tineri (18-24 de ani)
TIT0825 - Rata de participare la educația timpurie a copiilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 3 ani și vârsta oficială de înscriere în învățământul obligatoriu
TIW0828 - Consumul intern de materiale (DMC)
TIY8210 - Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră
TIZ8211 - Valoarea adaugată brută pentru producția de bunuri și servicii de mediu
TLJ1031 - Rata de reciclare a deșeurilor municipale
TLK1032 - Suprafața pădurii ca procent în suprafața totală a țării
TLL1033 - Dependența de importul de energie
TNN1224 - PIB real pe cap de locuitor
TOA1261 - Venitul disponibil brut ajustat al gospodăriilor pe cap de locuitor
TOJ1311 - Asistența oficială pentru dezvoltare ca procent din venitul național brut
TOK1312 - Datoria publică a României
⏵ TARGET 3 - Reduce discrimination by supporting non-governmental organisations working in the field of human rights
⏵ TARGET 1 - Ensure access to decent living conditions for all citizens
TLS1112 - Severe housing deprivation rate
⏵ TARGET 2 - Significantly reduce the economic losses caused by flooding and landslides, improve the collective response and strengthen the capacity to adapt and return to a functional situation in the shortest time possible after occurrence of the event, reduce the impact of flooding or the pollution caused by flooding and landslides on the ecosystem, including by means of constant improvements to the legislative framework
⏵ TARGET 3 - Ensure access to safe, fairly-priced, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, in particular by extending public transport networks, with a special focus on the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, people with disabilities and the elderly
TLY1131 - Share of buses and trains in total passenger transport (pkm)
TLZ1132 - Passengers-km performed by buses and minibuses, trams, trolleybuses and subway
⏵ TARGET 4 - Draw up and implement a general programme of spatial and land-use planning in correlation with the sectoral strategies at national level through application of the concept of polycentric and balanced spatial development in order to support territorial cohesion
TMD1141 - Share of Bucharest's resident population in the total urban resident population
⏵ TARGET 5 - Educate and empower the population in respect of earthquake risk situations
TME1151 - Number of preventive information activities in the field of emergencies
⏵ TARGET 6 - Reduce the impact atmospheric pollution has on human health and the environment through a special focus on air quality
TMG1161 - Air pollutants emissions by source sector
TMH1162 - Output of environmental goods and services for protection of ambient air and climate
TMI1163 - The intensity of the tree injury by the degree of defoliation of the crown
TMJ1164 - The surface of the land on which regenerations were made by categories of regenerations
TMK1165 - Number of deaths caused by respiratory and cardiovascular diseases
⏵ TARGET 7 - Substantially reduce the number of deaths and diseases caused by dangerous chemical products, pollution and the contamination of the air, water and soil
TMN1171 - Quantities of hazardous waste generated
⏵ TARGET 8 - Consolidate efforts to protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage and landscape features from the rural and urban environment
TMS1181 - State budget expenditure and local budget expenditure on culture, recreation and religion
TOE1271 - The surface of green spaces by counties
⏵ TARGET 9 - Implement the relevant legal provisions regarding the production, transport, storage, use and disposal of chemical products, including pharmaceutical products, which can be dangerous to human and animal health as well as environmental integrity
TMV1191 - Share of dangerous goods (tkm) in road and rail transport in total goods performance
⏵ TARGET 1 - Gradually transition to a new development model based on the rational and responsible use of resources by introducing elements of the circular economy and drawing up a road map
TMW1211 - Domestic material consumption, from which biomass
TNB1212 - Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by sectors
TNC1213 - The share of sludge used in total sludge resulting from the wastewater treatment process
TND1214 - The value of exports and imports of goods, by tehnological intensity
TNE1215 - Material resource productivity
TNF1216 - Domestic resource dependency
TNH1218 - Export and import of raw materials
TNI1211 - Number of employees in the environmental goods and services sector
TNJ1212 - Share of gross value added in environmental technologies in GDP
TNM1223 - Monthly averages of total expenditure per household
TNW1251 - The quantity and value of exports and imports of waste
⏵ TARGET 2 - Halve per capita food waste at the level of retail and consumption and reduce food waste throughout the production and supply chain, including post-harvest losses
TNK1221 - Number of recipient operators who have opted to reduce food waste
⏵ TARGET 3 - Recycle 55% of municipal waste by 2025 and 60% by 2030
TNQ1231 - Municipal waste recycling rate by operations
⏵ TARGET 4 - Recycle 65% of packaging waste by 2025 (plastic materials 50%, wood 25%, ferrous metals 70%, aluminium 50%, glass 70%, paper and cardboard 75%) and 70% by 2030 (plastic materials 55%, wood 30%, ferrous metals 80%, aluminium 60%, glass 75%, paper and cardboard 85%)
TNT1241 - Recycling rate of packaging waste by type of materials in total packaging waste generated
⏵ TARGET 5 - Implement the separate collection of household hazardous waste by 2022, of biological waste by 2023 and of textile waste by 2025
TNX1252 - The amount of household waste collected, by categories
⏵ TARGET 6 - Establish extended producer responsibility schemes for all types of packaging by 2024
⏵ TARGET 7 - Implement sustainable green public procurement practices in conformity with national priorities and European policy
TOF1272 - Number of electric and hybrid vehicles registered
⏵ TARGRT 1 - Strengthen Romania’s resilience and capacity to adapt to climate-related risks and natural disasters
TON1315 - Mediu - Annual flood damage
⏵ TARGRT 2 - Enhance capacity to react rapidly to unexpected extreme weather events
TOR1321 - Surface protected with anti-hail and precipitationincreasing systems
⏵ TARGRT 3 - Improve education, awareness and human and institutional capacity with regard to mitigating climate change, adapting to and reducing the impacts of climate change, and the implementation of early warning systems
TOW1331 - The amount of household waste generated
TOX1332 - Average monthly/annual temperature in Romania
TOY1333 - Population covered by the signatories to the Covenant of Mayors
TOZ1334 - Monthly/annual amount of precipitation in Romania
⏵ TARGRT 4 - Intensify Romania’s efforts to achieve the transition to a “green” economy, characterised by low carbon dioxide emissions and resilience to climate change, and to integrate measures with a view to adapting to climate change in vulnerable economic, social and environmental sectors, in keeping with EU policies
TPB1341 - Forest area of which afforested annually
TPC1342 - CO2 emissions intensity
TPD1343 - Greenhouse gases emission by economic activities
TPF1345 - Output of environmental goods and services
⏵ TARGET 1 - Prevent and significantly reduce all forms of marine pollution, in particular that resulting from land-based activities, including pollution with marine litter and nutrient pollution
TPK1411 - The volume of wastewater and the quantities of pollutants discharged in the Black Sea
TPL1412 - Number of costal bathing sites with excellent water quality
⏵ TARGET 2 - Minimise and manage the effects of the acidification of marine waters, including by increased scientific cooperation at all levels
TPN1421 - Water ph values from the romanian coast of the Black Sea
⏵ TARGET 3 - Responsibly and sustainably manage the fishing of wild and aquaculture species in accordance with the legallyestablished quotas and methods, and preserve, within reasonable limits, the viability of traditional activities in this field, including recreational and sports fishing
TPQ1431 - Number of controls performed, of which number of contraventions found
TPS1433 - The amount of fish stocks biologically
⏵ TARGET 4 - Involve other Black Sea countries in the implementation of a responsible and sustainable plan for the exploitation of living aquatic species
+ Goal 15 - LIFE ON LAND
⏵ TARGET 1 - Develop green infrastructure and make use of the services offered by natural ecosystems (in particular the Danube floodplains, its tributaries and the Danube Delta) through the integrated management of river basins and wetlands
TQB1511 - The surface of the land on which regenerations were made by categories of regenerations
TQC1512 - Area of marine and terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000 conditions
TQE1514 - Water resources provided according to type of arrangement by water source and river basin
TQF1515 - Quality of surface water (rivers) on quality states for monitored river lengths
TQG1516 - Protected Natural Areas of Romania (surfaces)
⏵ TARGET 2 - Conserve and protect wetland areas, which also include the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, a unique wetland in Romania and part of European and world natural heritage
TQK1522 - Protected Natural Areas of Romania by category (surfaces)
TQL1523 - Area of marine and terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000 conditions
TQM1524 - Quality of surface water (rivers) on quality states for monitored river lengths
⏵ TARGET 3 - Ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, with a view to boosting their capacity to provide essential benefits in terms of sustainable development
TQO1531 - Share of forest area in the total area of the country
TQQ1533 - The surface of virgin and quasi-virgin forests
TQR1534 - Area of marine and terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000 conditions
⏵ TARGET 4 - Support the research and development institutions and infrastructure of national and European importance in the study, management, protection and preservation of the diversity of natural heritage
TQU1541 - The amount of funds allocated to forest research
⏵ TARGET 5 - Sustainably manage forests, eradicate illegal logging, develop an integrated digital system for the monitoring of the exploitation and transport of timber, including at border crossings, ensure the afforestation and reforestation of forest land or land that has been degraded or subject to desertification, and implement the planned planting of shelterbelts to shield crops and elements of infrastructure from the impacts of climate change
TQD1513 - Volume of standing timber
TQX1551 - Area of forest stock land covered by cutting (by typs of cutting)
TQY1552 - The surface of the land on which regenerations were made by categories of regenerations
⏵ TARGET 6 - Pursue the transition to a circular economy through complementary approaches involving traditional methods and the latest technologies in order to re-establish/rebuild natural capital and reduce dependence on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, with a view to combating soil degradation
TRC1561 - Area of forest stock land covered by cutting (by typs of cutting)
TRD1562 - Recycling rate of wood waste
⏵ TARGET 7 - Combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and flooding
TRH1571 - Area under irrigation command and agricultural area irrigated
TRJ1573 - Surface with soil protection forests
⏵ TARGET 1 - Administer justice impartially and with celerity in compliance with established laws and procedures, while respecting the principle of the presumption of innocence
⏵ TARGET 2 - Ensure and encourage dialogue with national minorities with a view to improving decision-making through equal access for all citizens, such that they are able to respect and express their culture, traditions and mother tongue and participate in the economic, social and political life, and with a view to combating preconceptions, prejudice and discrimination in all its forms and encouraging interethnic dialogue, common values and cultural and linguistic diversity
TRR1621 - Printed school books and university courses, by teaching language
⏵ TARGET 3 - Significantly reduce all forms of violence and the associated death rate
TRV1631 - Mortality rate through aggression (violence) per 100,000 inhabitants
⏵ TARGET 4 - Put a stop to the abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture of children
⏵ TARGET 5 - Significantly reduce illicit financial flows and arms dealing, improve the recovery and return of stolen goods and combat all forms of organised crime
⏵ TARGET 6 - Ensure a receptive, inclusive, participative and representative decision-making process at all levels
TSS1661 - Proportion of seats held by women and men in national parliaments
⏵ TARGET 7 - Develop efficient, responsible and transparent institutions at all levels
⏵ TARGET 8 - Professionalise and improve the work of all central and local public administrative institutions, especially those departments that come into direct contact with citizens, in order to provide prompt and civilised services; expand and universalise online digitalised services
⏵ TARGET 1 - Gradually increase the quantity of official development aid granted by Romania through ODA programmes, depending on the capacity of the national economy to support this, with the goal of reaching 0.33% of gross national income by 2030
⏵ TARGET 2 - Increase and diversify official development assistance in line with growth in Romania’s economic potential and encourage Romanian economic agents to invest on competitive grounds in the economies of less developed countries
TTJ1722 - The value of imports of goods and foreign direct investment
TTL1724 - The value of exports of High Tech products
⏵ TARGET 3 - Romania’s joining of the Eurozone, the Schengen Area, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
TTN1731 - The monthly average inflation rate by categories of goods and services
TTP1733 - Number of reception centres for immigrants seeking protection, and data on roomage
TTQ1734 - Government debt of Romania, from which external
⏵ TARGET 4 - Support Romania’s international commitments and proactive involvement on the European and international level
TTT1741 - Numărul țărilor în care s-au predat cursuri de cultură și civilizație românească și numărul persoanelor care au beneficiat
TTV1743 - The value of exports and imports of goods, by ownership of the capital
TTW1744 - Government debt of Romania, from which external
⏵ 1 - Gradually transition to a new development model based on the rational and responsible use of resources by introducing elements of the circular economy and drawing up a road map
ECC101A - Material resources productivity
ECC102A - Natural resources productivity
ECC103A - Number of employees in the environmental goods and services sector
ECC104A - Share of renewable energy in final gross energy consumption by sectors
ECC106A - Material dependency by domestic extraction
ECC107A - Material import dependency
ECC108A - Dependence on the import of critical raw material
ECC109A - Self sufficiency in critical raw materials
ECC111A - Import and export of raw materials
ECC112A - Import and export of recyclable raw materials
ECC113A - Domestic material consumption by categories
ECC114A - Share of gross value added in environmental technologies in GDP
ECC117A - Protected Natural Areas of Romania surfaces
ECC118A - Population connected to public water supply system in rural area
⏵ 2 - Halve per capita food waste at the level of retail and consumption and reduce food waste throughout the production and supply chain, including post-harvest losses
ECC201A - Number of recipient operators who have opted to reduce food waste
⏵ 3 - Recycle 55% of municipal waste by 2025 and 60% by 2030
ECC301A - Municipal waste recycling rate by operations
ECC302A - Generation of municipal waste per capita
⏵ 4 - Recycle 65% of packaging waste by 2025 (plastic materials 50%, wood 25%, ferrous metals 70%, aluminium 50%, glass 70%, paper and cardboard 75%) and 70% by 2030 (plastic materials 55%, wood 30%, ferrous metals 80%, aluminium 60%, glass 75%, paper and cardboard 85%)
ECC401A - Recycling rate of packaging waste by type of materials in total packaging waste generated
⏵ 5 - Implement the separate collection of household hazardous waste by 2022, of biological waste by 2023 and of textile waste by 2025
ECC501A - The amount of household waste collected by categories
⏵ 6 - Implement sustainable green public procurement practices in conformity with national priorities and European policy
ECC601A - Greenhouse gases emission by economic activities
ECC602A - Projects for Research Development activity
ECC603A - Units with research development activity