Employment and unemployment in 2024 |
Labour Market and Earnings |
22/04/2025-09:00 |
Monthly average earning |
Labour Market and Earnings |
11/04/2025-09:00 |
ILO Unemployment |
Labour Market and Earnings |
01/04/2025-09:00 |
Job vacancies |
Labour Market and Earnings |
28/03/2025-09:00 |
Monthly average earning |
Labour Market and Earnings |
14/03/2025-09:00 |
Employment and unemployment |
Labour Market and Earnings |
14/03/2025-09:00 |
Quarterly labour costs index |
Labour Market and Earnings |
06/03/2025-09:00 |
ILO Unemployment |
Labour Market and Earnings |
04/03/2025-09:00 |
Job vacancies |
Labour Market and Earnings |
19/02/2025-09:00 |
Monthly average earning |
Labour Market and Earnings |
13/02/2025-09:00 |