37 Private households by number of persons, generations and areas
38 Private households by activity status of household head, number of persons, number of economically active persons, of employees from household and areas
39 Private households by types, number of persons, relationships of household members and areas
40 Households by types and family households by number of nuclei, regions, counties and areas
41 Family households by type of nucleus, number of children and areas
42 Family nuclei by types, activity status of the head of nucleus, number of children, number of active persons and supported persons
43 Persons who constitute family nuclei, by sex, age groups, activity status, family status and areas
44 Households from dwellings by number of persons, activity status of household head, type of occupancy, living floor space and areas
45 Households from dwellings by activity status and status in employment of the household head, type of occupancy, tenure status of household and areas
46 Dwellings by type of ownership, actual destination of the building, type of residential building and counties
47 Dwellings by actual destination of the building, number of rooms, type and placement of dependencies and areas
48 Dwellings by actual destination of the building, type of residential building, installations facilities, dependencies and areas
49 Dwellings by number of rooms, living floor space and areas
50 Dwellings by number of rooms, including kitchens, living floor space and areas
51 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, living floor space, type of ownership and areas
52 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, including kitchens, living floor space, type of ownership and areas
53 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, number of persons occupying the dwelling, type of ownership and areas
54 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, including kitchens, number of persons occupying the dwelling, type of ownership and areas
55 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, type of ownership, tenure status and areas
56 Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, living floor space per person and areas
57 Ocuppied dwellings by number of rooms, number of households and of persons occupying the dwelling and areas
58 Occupied dwellings by living floor space, number of households and of persons occupying the dwelling and areas
59 Buildings with dwellings by actual destination, type of ownership and areas
60 Residential buildings by type of building, period of construction, construction material of outer walls and areas
61 Residential buildings, buildings with other destination, but having dwellings and buildings for collective housing units by regions, counties and areas